The year 2020 created unprecedented challenges for the world. COVID-19 shut our countries’ borders, restricting the movement of people and reducing a range of economic activities. It exposed and exacerbated our economic and social inequalities that have existed for far too long, such as poverty, health care, segregation, and lack of housing. Urban settlements were struck hard by the pandemic, stripping them of their revenues and forcing business and citizens into economic hardships. Given the high concentration of population and economic activities in cities, they bear the brunt of the raging pandemic. There is much work to do while the world and its human settlements now shift the focus to recovering from this emergency. However, there is a silver lining with the rolling out of various vaccines globally. 

In the wake of city-wide shutdowns, social distancing and the search for a vaccine, there has been a global call to build back better. Governments, businesses and people have begun asking themselves how to come out of this situation stronger than before. Sustainability and resilience are part of a common dialogue regarding urban settlements and at the core of this conversation. Throughout 2020, Urban Economy Forum (UEF) took an active part in facilitating this global dialogue.

UEF’s efforts throughout last year were reflective on the dire situation of the global pandemic. The Covid-19 Roundtable on the Impacts of Urban Economy in June examined the stresses on cities and towns in Canada and innovative approaches cities are adopting to maintain the wellbeing of their citizens. We examined the impacts COVID-19 had on arts and culture and the importance of supporting this sector for the wellbeing of local communities. The Habitat in Towns World Summit in September narrowed in on towns and small cities and understanding their context relative to COVID-19. We launched The "Awareness Campaign" in December to draw attention to Human Rights and how COVID-19 is exacerbating structural inequities and citizens access to housing, food and water. These were just some of our activities throughout the year, and this work is not yet over.

Like many organisations, UEF also faced its own challenges. We had to quickly adapt to a virtual world, adapt to limitations of our global and local partners and shift the format and content of the dialogues to reflect the current situation. The 2nd Urban Economy Forum, UEF 2020, was organized virtually on October 5 & 6 and was is a direct result of these efforts. UEF 2020 opened opportunities for organisations, cities, private sector and universities throughout the world to come together and discuss the impacts COVID-19 had on urban economies and resources. It was also great a learning opportunity to establish a global venue virtually for everyone to come together share their innovations as we continue to work toward realizing sustainability in urban economies and resources to achieve the urban SDG: creating resilient and sustainable cities and communities.

UEF 2020 continued to work toward becoming the premier global event on urban economy and sustainable resources. UEF 2020 strengthened our network of city leaders and build new networks and collaborations between local and international stakeholders across different sectors. Through new networks, the capacities of urban settlements are strengthened. We will continue to create opportunities for urban academics, practitioners and activists in this important dialogue for sustainability in 2021 and encourage their participation in the 3rd annual forum, UEF 2021.

We believe that focusing on the realization of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) continues to remain an urgent matter. There is now less than ten years to achieve the SDGs, time is of the essence to muster greater efforts in finding better solutions, if we are to truly transform societies and economies. UEF in 2021 will focus on the most pressing challenges for urban economies and realizing sustainable urban resources. UEF will identify and review opportunities and challenges and work toward creating innovative solutions for cities. Importantly, supporting the ability of an urban settlement to secure financial resources is at the core of our work.

Securing necessary financial resources for city projects is a significant burden for many municipalities but is necessary for realizing a sustainable urban economy. By promoting active collaboration among diverse stakeholders and integrating different perspectives and bodies of knowledge and expertise facilitate the realization of the projects efficiently and reduce the burden on municipalities, without unnecessary delays. We believe that developing a roadmap for municipalities to achieve sustainable urban economy is crucial to realize SDGs and it will shape the future of cities entirely. 

During UEF2020, we have reviewed various aspects of urban economy from different perspectives. It was a great experience for us to further understand the multidimensional complexity of the subject. For municipalities, it is the urban economy that acts as the skeleton or a framework for their development plans, which enables them to understand the resources needed and budget their future spending. We believe that sustainable urban economy will define correct approaches and strategies for municipalities to realize all their programs and projects. The physical infrastructure in addition to social and economic processes will have to be within the parameters of sustainable urban development.

UEF 2020 taught us a lot, however, a recurring theme we heard throughout the year is that access to safe, affordable and adequate housing continues to pose a significant burden for urban settlements throughout the world.

This year, UEF 2021 will have a special focus on the global housing crisis with an overarching theme titled,
Housing Industry and Urban Recovery in the Post COVID-19 World, which will be held on October 4 & 5. 

We of course will continue to provide an international platform to address the number of other challenges facing our urban centers, such as the climate crisis, food security, health care, rising inequalities, preservation of cultural heritage and other subjects related to sustainable urbanism.  And we will work, review and exchange knowledge and expertise in adopting innovative ways and best practices for cities to achieve a more prosperous future. We will continue to establish pilot projects with city leaders, stakeholders, and municipalities to explore various sustainable urbanisation options and share the projects and review them at the forum. 

COVID-19 has opened a door for the year 2021 for a potential turning point for Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, the importance for UEF 2021, will be to strive to involve more mayors to join our international network to discuss ways to achieve sustainable urban economy and how they can use urban economy to implement the SDGs in their cities.

We look forward to working with you on the challenges of and opportunities for sustainable urbanism during UEF 2021, held on October 4 & 5.

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