Phil Prentice

Chief Officer of Scotland's Towns Partnership

Chief Officer of Scotland's national Towns Agency. National Programme Director of Scotland’s Improvement Districts and Director of UK High Street Task Force. 25 years experience in development and regeneration. Passionate about the economic development of Scotland, localism and democracy, new economic models, community, politics and world affairs. Graduate of the Universities of Glasgow, UWS and Ulster and an Ambassador for Adopt an Intern.

"With 25 years economic development experience across the public and private sectors, my role as Chief Officer of Scotland's Towns Partnership is to drive sustainable change through collaboration and partnership. Towns are clearly back on the political agenda and our work in helping to deliver the Town Centre Action Plan has delivered a step change in thinking and tangible progress. 

Scotland's Towns and smaller settlements account for 70% of our population base and aside from their significant economic contribution in terms of commerce and employment, they provide a living record of our history and heritage, they provide places where communities can meet, socialise and celebrate culture, and are hubs where people can live, access services, leisure, entertainment and transport.

Despite the numerous factors and pressures impacting on our towns I believe that empowered communities can be energised to ensure that Scotland's towns remain vibrant and continue to play a vital role in our nation's future."

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