Walied Khogali 

Community Leader, Ward 13, Toronto

Walied Khogali has lived in Regent Park with his family since 2005. He has worked to champion issues such as affordable transit, environmental stewardship, equity and human rights in both the community and across the city. Walied is known for his work with residents from all backgrounds to create safe, inclusive, sustainable communities that are free from discrimination and hate. As a Canadian Muslim who immigrated from Sudan, he has experienced firsthand what it’s like to be a newcomer youth growing up in Toronto. Walied witnessed his parents make many sacrifices to give him and his six siblings the best possible opportunities, instilling the values of hard work, education and social responsibility. This inspired Walied to “pay it forward” and dedicate himself to public and community service.

His professional track record reflects this commitment. Walied has worked to support the campaigns of the United Way, as well as in communications at the Labour Community Services of Toronto. Walied served as the President of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, and is a founding member of the transit advocacy organization, TTC Riders. Walied has also held key positions in a number of organizations including the Canadian Arab Federation and One Toronto. He currently supports newcomers and racialized residents access mutual aid supports through the neighbourhood pods project.

Walied is passionate about building a society in which all people can reach their full potential. Walied is a community mentor for youth experiencing marginalization, and an advocate for education and career opportunities, as well as meaningful youth participation in public discourse. Walied continues to support at-risk youth and families across the Greater Toronto Area as a mutual aid coordinator at the City of Toronto, focused on raising awareness about food insecurity and promoting vaccine access.

Walied is the elected resident co-chair of the community benefits oversight working group and the community building working group of the Regent Park social development plan. Walied is also a proud board member and an active member of the leadership team at the Regent Park Neighbourhood Association.

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