Osama Y. Al-Rawi
Dean, College of Engineering , Gulf University, Bahrain

Osama M. Al-Rawi is an Associate professor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Control System Engineering. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Control System Engineering from the University of Technology, Baghdad/Iraq, in 1995 and 2003, respectively. 

His B. Sc. Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Technology, 1989. His professional experience includes teaching and research at the university as well as working in industry. He had 30 years’ experience working in academic Institutions and more than 10 years’ practical experience working in industry. He supervised many postgraduate students and presented many seminars in different fields. He published a lot of researches in prestigious journals, conference proceedings and he published a book chapter in his field of specialization. His theoretical and practical research interests include modelling and stability of automatic control systems, optimization problems, Artificial Intelligence, power electronics applications, electrical machines control and renewable energy. He is a member in association of Iraqi University lecturers, Baghdad/ Iraq, 2005, member of Iraqi Laser Society, Baghdad/ Iraq, 2005, member of Iraqi Engineers Union, Baghdad/ Iraq, 1989 and IEEE member in Bahrain IEEE section since 2014. Also he is a Fellow at FHEA-UK, 2020. Currently, he is the Dean of College of Engineering, Gulf University/Kingdom of Bahrain since 2016. Previously he was the Director of Scientific Research and Community Services Directorate/Gulf University, for two years.

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